Monday, May 26, 2008

hallelujah for the morning.

i hate the in between moves feeling. manhattan is no longer my home, kansas city is yet to be my home. where am i?

packing is awful. just knowing that all of this tedious work will be un-done in less than 24 hours is miserable. oh yeah, HUMIDITY SUXXXXXXX. i've been in a constant sweat for like 12 hours. neat.

highs (+) and lows (-) for today are as follows:

+ i found a coldplay cd in the basement today. along with a ton of old notes/planners/etc.
- it's hot. the end.
+ erica and rachel came back.
- rachel left again.
+ i took a lot of mini breaks to watch jon and kate plus 8.
- i rode my bike a lot, so my legs are tired.
+ i rode my bike a lot, and i love that.
- i had to buy packing paper for $8!
+ annie came over and helped me wrap all of the breakables.
- it stormed so we didn't get to go to pillsbury crossing.
+ i found FOUR shirts that fell behind my dresser!!! so thats ++++.

okay, i'm tired, that was pointless, goodnight.

oh - i love igoogle as a homepage.