Thursday, October 16, 2008

around and back on the railroad track, number TWO! TWO!

i haven't blogged in what feels like a long time. sometimes i think about blogging, and then i remember i don't have much to say. right now i don't feel that i have much to say still...but i'm going to blog for the sake of blogging. okay?

this morning i woke up FREEZING. there was actually frost on the ground. the temperature was actually 36. people it is not easy to get out of a warm bed in a dark and freezing environment. i do it for the children though. AND free snacks in the lounge.

but this afternoon is AMAZING. sunny and warm. i am sitting on my back porch drinking french press coffee, reading breakfast of champions, and soaking in the sun. it is entering my skin and sending out tiny bits of euphoria. really, that's what is happening. "it's science". i kicked off my slippers and shed my sweatshirt. i'm one step away from jumping in the pool and pretending it's summer.

can i just become political for a few lines? i watched the third debate last night, not expecting to either 1. pay attention or 2. have my opinion change whatsoever...but i DID pay attention. and my opinion didn't change, it just got stronger. i have no respect for john mccain. he points fingers EVERY chance he gets, he has a lizard tongue and a blinking problem, and is just a dummy. not only do i think that, but i actually believe obama has a better understanding of the people in this country, and will do smart things for it. he's closer to caring about what Jesus cares about. (GASP! i don't mean abortion...i mean providing the lowest of these with opportunites for education, healthcare, and a fair chance at life) look, donald miller agrees with me, okay?

that's all. hope and peace to you.