Wednesday, October 1, 2008

what's mine is yours.

when you share a bathroom with someone, usually it doesn't matter if you have the same items. same conditioner, same mouthwash, same face wash... the consequences of accidentally using the wrong one are pretty low. however, things like toothbrushes can bring somewhat severe consequences.

my roommate amy and i both have oral b indicator toothbrushes, one in blue one in red. this is the kind of toothbrush i've bought for years, and i always switch up the color. normally i don't have to remember which one is mine, since my other roommate's dental hygiene products are usually completely different.

however, amy and i both keep our toothbrushes in our brush holder on the sink counter. we joked a couple weeks ago about how funny it would be if we forgot which brush was ours. CLEARLY we would know, how hard is it to remember one color?

until tonight when i went in my bathroom to brush my teeth, i noticed the red one was gone. the red one i've been using for who knows how long. i informed amy that my toothbrush was missing, only to find out she put it in her cabinet, meaning that it was hers.

WE HAD BEEN USING THE SAME TOOTHBRUSH PEOPLE. for who knows how long. and the hilarious thing is that neither of us can remember which one was actually ours to begin with. we both just assumed the red one was ours. (although if i had to guess, i would put the blame on myself...)

so i wrote my name on the blue one. hopefully i will not make this mistake again. ew.