Friday, November 28, 2008

a new posture.

this season i have been inspired for change. not the change that comes from a new president and his cabinet; but real change. the kind of change Jesus brought when he turned reality upside down. He is constantly calling us into an alternate reality. a call to announce Jesus is lord in our hearts; not caesar.

yesterday my family drove to downtown kansas city to serve the homeless at hope faith. i've never felt more alive. walking in to a place i served all summer, it felt like home. a home i hadn't been to in so long. but i was welcomed back with open arms and blessings. my friend Roy gave me a deep smile from his eyes as he remembered i'd come to his bible study. he told me how good God is. i see more of Jesus in Roy's eyes than i've seen in a long time. my heart filled with so much joy and love for this man; poor but content. CONTENT. this man has his treasure in heaven, and i am so thankful how God chooses to reveal himself. not in the proud and intellegent; but in the lowly and humble.

from this experience i gather strength to enter into the season of advent. a season the world tells us is for consumerism and frustration. instead my posture will be of service. giving time and making gifts. and i tell you what, there is nothing the enemy wants more than for me to give up and go out and buy buy buy. target ads, cute clothes, presents that would be easy to get and check off my list. it's all there; all the time.

i am learning everyday how it is better to give than receive. the emptiness that comes from a holiday season of stress and frustration is not what i want this year. i am putting my time and effort into sincere gifts from the heart. it's a lot harder than i thought, but so good.

i encourage you to give. love. help. serve. conspire.
