Thursday, May 14, 2009


so this weekend, two very important men in my life will be graduating. one from high school, one from college. i think to me, graduation has become something that everyone does. for some reason it's lost its prestige and excitement for me. but in all honesty, it's a huge deal.

i stayed up late last night finishing a surprise video slideshow for my brother. the slideshow is filled with fun old pictures and good memories (and hopefully good music. that was the toughest part.) as i watched the final product this morning while getting ready, it struck me how proud i am of my little brother. throughout his life he has never been one to conform to those around him. he's completely his own person and does not care about what others think. on top of that, he's so so smart. he has helped changed my view of what being smart really means. i'm excited for him and his future and i know he will do great things.

tomorrow i am traveling west to manhattan for another graduation. this one is equally exciting because it feels like it's taken FOREVER. just kidding. but really, after nine majors and seemingly worthless assigments - adam is graduating from college. i have noticed so many similarities between my brother and him recently. both guys are super smart in their own ways, and both tend to hate how the education system is designed. even though on paper having nine majors looks like you wouldn't have much direction in life, adam has had more direction in his life than most people who never change their major (i.e., me this time last year). even though his passions and callings have always been outside of the academic world, he's stuck with it and gotten his degree. i'm so excited and proud of him!

well it's going to be a busy weekend, but totally worth it. two graduations full of feeling proud for two amazing people.

hopefully at some point i can get that stupid vitamin c song out of my head.

(i made these. yess.)