my eyes will see patty griffin in concert at the end of march. it will be a beautiful, life-changing experience. i feel like i'm back in 7th grade getting tickets to nsync. only, not like that really at all. slightly more mature.
speaking of nsync, happy birthday to the N (justiN timberlake) - for some reason his birthday is stuck in my head, and i remember it every year.
after i write about three sentences on my blog, i get bored and want to just hit publish post. i guess i've given up on coming up with great things to say, i'm not so cleaver anymore, really. or was i ever? it's hard to tell.
i guess i could talk about wedding planning? it's going great. i'm wishing october 2 would come WAY faster than 244 days from now. i'm ready to parrrrrrty! (in the usa!)
okay, that feels sufficient. i'm done blogging now.