Sunday, May 31, 2009

j.j. abrams

i'm not so good with the one-topic blog posts, but i thought i owed some cred to j.j. abrams. him and his time travel ways...

first of all, he created felicity. i know this is probably somewhat embarrassing on his resume, but HELLO it's my favorite show. so get over it. everything about the show is so great. (yes, including the time travel...oh are you intrigued? you should watch.)

second, i will raise the spock salute and say that i have seen star trek. twice. j.j. has actually made trekies seem not so out there. while i realize j.j. abrams didn't create star trek, he turned it into something cool. the movie is pretty sweet, and also hilarious. and again, time travel.

also a sort of side note, i am actually watching felicity right now whilst eating cheez its. which has nothing to do with the story except it has everything to do with it. and by that i mean there is star trek on the back of the box. i could get the captain's tee for only $9.99.

(edit) how did i not even MENTION lost!? this is clearly a result of my blog sucky-ness. okay so lost is a crazy crazy show, and i love it. and not to beat a dead horse but: time travel. (p.s. i absolutely hate that phrase. terrible visual.)

okay, i suck at one topic blogs. i think i will just end it here? also i am missing a great noel and ben scene.

live long and prosper.