Sunday, July 13, 2008

so it goes.

life is beautiful, and if you need to be reminded of that then you should watch planet earth.
blow your mind.

i have this huge thirst for knowledge lately, like i just need to know about everything. i am realizing how little i actually know about my God, and wondering why that is. i rid the guilt and move into excitement to begin to learn more, hoping that things are sticking in my head and hoping i can stay undistracted for just a while. i am starting to learn more about myself in the Lord, and am beginning to slowly obtain some feelings of hypocrisy and inadequacy. but again, i put aside the guilt and plead for grace and mercy.

and who knows, maybe some of that thirst will rub off on studying for the GRE, which i took a huge step and signed up for it today. no one ask me to do anything on sept.13 at 1:30pm, i will be at metcalf south mall for approximately 4 hours testing my brain.

until then i will begin to be a vocab freak and a problem solving master,
except for when i am in ireland and amsterdam...which just so happens to begin on wednesday.

it freaks me out that fungus can take over certain species and they die strange deaths. it goes.