Thursday, August 28, 2008

oh heavenly day.

i am laying in bed at 10 pm getting ready to go to sleep listening to patty griffin and a thunderstorm.

i love rain.
life is much more comfortable when it's raining.
i can decline other responsibilities and curl up and watch felicity,
it's just easy living.

here's to rain, a three day weekend, and patty g.

the Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

surprise lilies.

photo from the backyard of my house.

well i've almost made it through my first week of kindergarten. i am happy to say that i have tied more shoes, sang more songs, and had potty duty more times this week than in my whole life. but when you see these kids, it's totally worth it. seeing these kid's minds start turning and seeing them start to understand rules, writing, and math is amazing. AND throw in more than a few HILARIOUS stories, and you've got a great week.

the school that i work at is amazing. it is one of the most diverse schools in the city, and it is so neat to see all of the kids play together. five-year-olds are so free, running with whomever they are near, no matter if they are black or white or hispanic. i just pray that these kids can hold their freedom as they grow up and suddenly realize they are different. but for now i am full of hope for these kids' futures, and that somehow Love can penetrate through me into these kids and they will know how much they're worth.

as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
and do not return to it without watering the earth
and making it bud and flourish,
so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
it will not return to me empty
but will accomplish what i desire
and achieve the purpose for which i sent it.
[isaiah 55:10-11]


Saturday, August 16, 2008


i love you, gentlest of Ways,
who ripened us as we wrestled with you.

You, the great homesickeness we could never shake off,
You, the forest that always surrounded us,

You, the song we sang in every silence,
You, dark net threading through us.

You began yourself so greatly
on that day when you began us -
and we have so ripened in your sunlight,
spreading far and firmly planted -
that now in all people, angels, madonnas,
you can decide: the work is done.

Let your hand rest on the rim of Heaven now
and mutely bear the darkness we bring over you.

Monday, August 11, 2008


so i love the olympics. it doesn't matter if it is swimming, gymnastics, water polo, you name it i watch it. it has become the background to my home life. however it was in the forefront of my night last night when the men's relay kicked france's (little cuss). my roommates and i actually jumped up and down about it. and michael phelps screamed like a barbarian.

today i started my NEW job. hi it is great. i am at comanche elementary school, home of the buffaloes. i've already been made fun of by the principal*, so that's pretty cool i guess. we talked a lot about the test scores and how much diversity in the scores there is between the different ethnicities. my job is going to be helping these children who are at a disadvantage learn better, and hopefully show them that they have worth and that they are important and loved. AND set up sweet bulletin boards.

lastly i ate an apple today, and this is what the core looked like:

there was a yucky that i ate around, and then i ended up with a hilarious core. well hilarious to me.

*i remember this is the correct spelling because the principal is your PAL.

Friday, August 8, 2008

life keeps on changin'.

why is it so hard to accept change? sometime you have to leave something comfortable, scared of what's ahead only to find yourself fitting in there in no time. things become familiar. you can time your walking route to the minute (43 minutes). you have dreams about your morning routine. but then there comes a time, there ALWAYS comes a time when you have to leave that too. sure you know that you'll get used to what is to come, but it's still so hard to go. to force yourself out there and learn it again.

i've been thinking about that a lot lately. probably because chicago is taking my roommate away from me. yesterday on my walk that takes 43 minutes, i reflected on life and started to think about how i will have to leave it in a year. right, a YEAR. that's a long time from now, so i don't know why i'm freaking out. but i already feel good here. GOOD. i love my roommates to death, i love what i'm doing here and who i'm becoming, i love my 43 minute route. i love seeing my family often, i love swimming in my pool. i love preparing for a super awkward super hero party for five days with my roommates. i even love scissor kick moments of misunderstandings.

it's weird to remember how i felt the week i had to leave manhattan. it hurt. i had finally found my rhythm in that town and didn't want to give it up. but i let go and came here. it was hard at first, things were different. but now i can truly say i LOVE IT HERE. i know i will miss that little town for a long time, but my life is here now and i can't wait.

i will live this year and soak up the good. and then i will take up my stuff and follow the ever moving Leader into something new. and it will be hard, and it will hurt, and i can already feel it in my heart, but i will do it. and then hopefully soon i will love it.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

for your listening & viewing pleasure.

this is just audio - so don't expect the weird black and white lady go away. in fact, just don't even watch. just listen and go about checking other's blogs. but really. listen.

also, this is just about the funniest thing i've ever seen. and then even funnier the second time.